Bring Me the Horizon
uscito il: 1 aprile 2013
genere: metalcore
Compra “Sempiternal” a prezzo scontato
Testi, traduzioni in italiano e video
- Can You Feel My Heart
- The House of Wolves
- Empire (Let Them Sing)
- Sleepwalking (2° singolo)
- Go to Hell, for Heaven’s Sake (3° singolo)
- Shadow Moses (1° singolo)
- And the Snakes Start to Sing
- Seen It All Before
- Antivist
- Crooked Young
- Hospital for Souls
- Join the Club [Deluxe Edition Bonus EP & Japanese Bonus Track]
- Chasing Rainbows [Deluxe Edition Bonus EP & Japanese Bonus Track]
- Deathbeds feat. Hannah Snowdon [Deluxe Edition Bonus EP & Japanese Bonus Track]