Army Reserve – Pearl Jam Testo e Traduzione. è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.
Army Reserve – Pearl Jam
Per quanto lei dovrà stare in piediPrima che il terreno lasci spazio
A una caduta senza fine?
Lei può sentire
Questa guerra sul suo viso
Stelle sul suo cuscino
Si sta raggomitolando al buio
Implorando di assopirsi
Non sono cieca
Posso vederlo arrivare
Sembra un lampo
Negli occhi di mio figlio
Non sono isterica
Posso sentirlo arrivare
Scuote con violenza
Il mio corpo
Suo figlio è prevenuto
Sempre a guardarla
Di traverso
Una sedia vuota nel posto in cui siede papà
Quanto assordante può farsi il silenzio?
E la mamma, lei lo rassicura
Per tranquillizzarlo
Ma sta diventando una bugia
Lei racconta a se stessa
E a tutti gli altri
Che il padre sta rischiando
La sua vita per le nostre libertà
Non sono cieca
Posso vederlo arrivare
Sembra un lampo
Negli occhi di mio figlio
Non sono isterica
Posso sentirlo arrivare
Tesoro mi salverai
Se salverai te stesso.
Il Testo della della canzone Di: Army Reserve – Pearl Jam
Army Reserve – Pearl Jam
Arms Aloft
Sometimes there's no star shining
Scounting the edge of the universe
Sometimes you can't see the horizon
Between the ocean and the earth
And just when you're thinking about slinkin' down
I'm gonna pull you up ? I'm gonna pull ya round
May I remind you of that scene
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
May I remind you of that scene
Let a million mirror balls beam
May I remind you of that scene
And you say ? living ain't nothing but hassles?
In a Manilla envelope rain
And driving coal all-night to Newcastle
It's getting to be a repettetive strain
And just when you're thinking about
Going down the drain ?
May I remind you of that scene
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
May I remind you of that scene
Let a million mirror balls beam
May I remind you of that scene
I'm gonna pull you up ? I'm gonna pull ya round
May I remind you of that scene
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
Let a million mirror balls beam
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
They say the stars can't see their rays
Nor can they count their numbered days
No flower can says what perfume is
We got all this and bird and diz
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
May I remind you of that scene
Sometimes there's no star shining
Scounting the edge of the universe
Sometimes you can't see the horizon
Between the ocean and the earth
And just when you're thinking about slinkin' down
I'm gonna pull you up ? I'm gonna pull ya round
May I remind you of that scene
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
May I remind you of that scene
Let a million mirror balls beam
May I remind you of that scene
And you say ? living ain't nothing but hassles?
In a Manilla envelope rain
And driving coal all-night to Newcastle
It's getting to be a repettetive strain
And just when you're thinking about
Going down the drain ?
May I remind you of that scene
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
May I remind you of that scene
Let a million mirror balls beam
May I remind you of that scene
I'm gonna pull you up ?
I'm gonna pull ya round
May I remind you of that scene
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
Let a million mirror balls beam
The spirit is our gasoline
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
They say the stars can't see their rays
Nor can they count their numbered days
No flower can says what perfume is
We got all this and bird and diz
May I remind you of that scene
We were arms aloft in Aberdeen
May I remind you of that scene.
Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Pearl Jam in costante aggiornamento
Tutti i TESTI delle canzoni di Pearl Jam