Bella Ciao – English Translation

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Translation of “Bella Ciao”

One morning I woke up
goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye!
One morning I woke up
and I found the invader.

Oh partisan, take me away
goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye!
oh partisan, take me away
Because I feel that I’m going to die.

And if I die as a partisan
goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye!
And if I die as a partisan
you must bury me.

You will bury me over there, on the mountain
goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye!
You will bury me over there, on the mountain
under the shadow of a wonderful flower.

And all the people passing by
goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye!
And all the people passing by
will say: <<what a wonderful flower!>>

<<This is the flower of that partisan…>>
Goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye my belle, goodbye!
<<…This is the flower of that partisan
who died for our freedom.>>


Bella Ciao was originally a work song for women in paddies, was then modified and became a popular war song during WW2, sung by the Italian fighters of the Resistenza who were fighting against German troups.